West Malvern Garden & Nature Club

Welcome to our web site.
Where Nature lovers and keen gardeners come together.

* See Club News - Advice Notes page for research into Peat Free Compost

We enjoy regular meetings and events with like-minded people. Come along and enjoy meeting, sharing with, and learning from experienced presenters and members.
For more information on our club, or to join us, go to our About Us page.

We are a club that aims to provide fun and interest to the wonderful business of gardening and nature. We like to learn, and to keep up with, the changes and discoveries introduced by the experts in the natural world.

We try to bring back a sense of enjoyment and awe in what goes on around us, and give our membership a sense of belonging to the planet, not adrift from it.

Our meetings are now held on a Tuesday evening once a month in the Hereford Suite at Regents Theological College (Elim College)  from September to May with December being the Christmas party and March the AGM. See the club news page for further details.

The address of the venue is:

Regents Theological College, West Malvern Road, West Malvern, Worcs, WR14 4DF.
This is just next door to West Malvern St James Church

Most of our meetings commence at 7.30pm with some preamble of 10 -12 minutes, followed by the talk/presentation of 60-75 minutes, after which there are usually a few questions from the audience before tea or coffee with biscuits or cake are served. The exceptions are - usually - the AGM which starts at 7pm, and the Christmas Party in December when there is no speaker.

Below are some of the pages you can find on this web site via the menu at the top of each page. (Hovering the mouse over some menu headings will show another flyout menu).

About us:
Gives a brief description of our aims.

Advice page:
Helpful articles giving advice such as:
What vegetables to grow at different times of year.
Temperature germination chart showing best temperature to start seeds.

Club info & news:
Programme of talks, what happens in summertime, and news of our own garden show.

Club Shows:
Reports of our Annual Garden Shows.

RHS Shows:
The Three Counties Spring and Autumn Shows.

Other News:
Items not directly related to the club that are of local interest.

Past talks summaries:
As the title says, a short review of past presentations given at previous meetings.

Club Newsletters:
An electronic form of the printed newsletters distributed free to all paid-up members.

Photo Gallery:
A page of photos which will be added to occasionally. Members please send any images you think may be of interest.

Links to useful web sites:






Garden Centres:




Places to Visit:







Great News

We are up and running and the programme of meetings is being created as this is being written.
See 'Club News' page for details.


“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ”
Alfred Austin

“I think this is what hooks one to gardening: it is the closest one can come to being present at creation."
Phyllis Theroux

Thank you for visiting our website, we hope that it inspires you to join us at one of our meetings.

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