The final missive from Vic, our retiring chairman.
Hi all,
Hope you are all keeping well and coping with the self isolation. I think as a result of all this we are all going to end up more "tech savvy" than we were before because it's a great way to stay in touch. Kathy and I are now proud users of Skype and Whatsapp - something we never bothered with before.
As a result of our Virtual AGM I can report that we had 18 votes in favour with none against for the two proposals to elect in a new committee.
So I think we can say that the motions were carried and that the new committee has now been elected as below:
Chairperson – David Matthews
Treasurer – Chris Hall
Minutes Secretary – Helen Tudge
Membership Secretary – Chantal Crawford
Programme Secretary – James Bullett
Publicity and Newsletter Coordinator – Carole Houghton
Plant Crèche and Refreshments Coordinator – Tiggy Cunningham
Committee member -- Sue Matthews
Best wishes to you all and stay safe
So farewell to Vic after a long and popular stint. He will be missed.
Now we have a new chairman (welcome David) who can't call a meeting at the moment (June 2020) because of the pandemic.
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