All talks and meetings start at 7.30PM (except the AGM which starts at 7pm) and are in the Hereford Suite at Elim College (accessed from the visitors’ carpark off De Walden Road, West Malvern)
Tuesday 14th January - Helen Picton - Why wait for spring?
Tuesday 11th February - Archie Miles - Heritage trees of the Welsh Borders - a combination of the magnificent trees and the history and culture that surrounds them
Tuesday 11th March - AGM and talk by Johnnie Birks on Polecats Note: AGM starts at 7PM
Tuesday 8th April - Mike Wilkinson - British Orchids
Tuesday 13th May - John Medlock - The Jaguar kingdom , birds and mammals of Central Brazil
June - visit to Madresfield Gardens
Club Garden Show 2023
Our very own Garden Show for 2023 was arranged for Saturday September 2nd which gave plenty of time to plan our entries, to get the best ever specimens ready to show off. We featured your best flowers, vegetables, jams, arrangements and photographs in the show. It was great fun and gave a real sense of satisfaction.
Here are some of the interesting items:
1. Jam was Strawberry and Gooseberry
2. Chutney Surprise (instead of Marmalade) - basically an apple chutney with your own twist.
Plus the usual Veg, Fruit, Flowers, Arts and Baking
Photos were:
1. The colour red as the main part of the photo.
2. A lamp post.
3. Minibeast/s
4. Seed heads.
The summer Treasure Hunt went ahead and was good fun finished off a with a delightful picnic at the end.
Thanks go to Chris for devising and arranging it.
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