Our Annual Show was on the 17th August.
Although there were not as many entries as in previous years there was still enough to make it an interesting afternoon. David Butt judged the Fruit and Vegetable entries, Deirdre Drake the Ornamental, Chris Hall the Photography and Cookery, and Jenny Hall the Arts and Crafts. Thank you for their kind and constructive comments as well as their scrutiny!
Thanks to Margaret for organising it this year, and thanks to everyone who volunteered to help.
Club Trophy Winners
The Anniversary Trophy (for most successful entrant) - Lynn Clearwater
The John Deem Cup (overall vegetable grower) – Lynn Clearwater
The John Deem Prize (best fruit entry) – Lynn Clearwater
The Members Plate (best craft entry) – David Cross
The Members Shield (best home-grown entry) – Hilary Ward
The Members Tankard (best photographic entry) – David Cross
The Members Spoon (best home cookery entry) – Carole Houghton
Get ready for 2025 show
Come on all you gardening warriors, let's see what you can do! Just have a go!
We were down on the number of entries this year. Our first show for three years AND two heatwaves probably didn’t encourage people to take part.
Also, if you didn't enter simply because you believe, ‘’The same people always win,’’ it isn’t true. If only the same people keep entering it doesn’t provide much competition, but if lots more people enter at least one thing in the show, it provides more competition and talent. So, please take part! You will never know if you can win if you don't try. People taking part in the 2023 show may now enter up to two entries per class, so you will have an even better chance.
'This was one display that made a big impression on all who viewed it.
There was a good display of apples, as well as plenty of jams and chutneys for the judges to sample.
The 2019 Annual Garden Show was held at the end of August. There had been some discussion about many seeds and plants being slow to take off. But there were a good number of entries in the fruit, vegetables and ornamental sections with a new members’ cup for ornamental which was donated by Cara and John Roslington. As last year, the making section of cookery was very popular; and the range of photographs showed how people have different interpretations on a subject.
'There were a good number of entries in the fruit, vegetables and ornamental sections with a new members’ cup for ornamental which was donated by Cara and John Roslington'.
The Children’s Competition, ‘To Grow Cress in a Beastly Container’, drew two entries (two more than last year!), which was encouraging. The joint winners were Noah and Arlo who shared the gift token. There was another cup donated by Cara and John Roslington for the Juniors, and William won this for his excellent baking and an interesting well-made model.
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